We habitually communicate with each other regularly, but what are we communicating? What's really passing through the countless mediums of communications we now have available to us, at our finger tips. For all the different forms of communication we have today, we have matching filters and barriers to them. Lets not forget the lack of content in the communication. We have millions of ways of expressing ourselves and through them are the millions of façades.

Why are we all Hiding? Why the mask?
The masking spoken of here, is not that which people use in hiding to cover ulterior motivates. It's not the masking of fake-ness. It's not the pretentious mask of hiding the true intent of the heart. But the masking of covering and hiding the true dealings and matters hurting your heart, from the friends and family who care for you. It's the masking that causes more damage to us and our environment, if not dealt with.
We all have things we are dealing with intrinsically that may go unnoticed to our friends and family, if we do not share them. But of course extrinsic issues are harder to hide. Thus the people in our lives are aware of them, because they are physically present and cannot be hidden from the naked eye. But our realist battles, the type which causes damaging ripple effects to all areas of our lives are not being dealt with. Such issues they need to be dealt with cautiousness and controlled with a none-hazardous prevention approach. Often we simply brush theses matters under carpets internally.
Things inside of you will also begin to ooze out of you through your behaviour, attitude and your daily routine begins to change as result also.

Just because no one knows you are bleeding internally, it doesn't mean they can't see the blood dripping from your clothes, if you get my gist. You can hide behind a mask, by masking away your issues hurt, anger, grudge, bitterness, emotional distress, depression, suppressed pain and all types of internal dirty laundry we try and hide. Eventually they slip through the cracks in the mask of; the fake smiley face you wear everyday. Like a dead body that's been left in a house, it begins to smell and literately wreak up the whole area. Thus they may not all happen at the same time.However with everything that's detrimental from the inside, gradually, with time the effects of all your internal pain and baggage that's been buried under your mask, will begin to show.
This by no means suggest, you must bare your naked soul to the world in your everyday dealings, no.This is purposed to raise awareness that a mask is not a solution, it cannot permanently resolve what you are facing internally, above all it cannot heal you.The troubling waters of the soul ought to be dealt with before it becomes an uncontrolled flood that drown your sanity.
Face yourself and your internal mess, seek help. Open up to a confident and speak. Sometimes all you need to do is speak. Just by sharing what you are battling with, you can find your solution from your own self in conversation with someone else. I know not everyone is fond of taking advice but, sometimes just speaking to someone else helps you realise the solutions just because you are interacting in a conversation. Especially if the person you are talking to is asking you the right questions, to get a better understand of you. Their questions can often help you find a solution to what's in your heart and mind.
Air and light
Talking opens the window to your soul. It brings freshness into your mind. Sometimes you'll find that it's not even as bad as thought, because in conversation you translate your thoughts into an understandable version of yourself. Not only that, but if the person you confide in really engages with you they can shed new light on what's hurting you or bothering your mind. You get to walk away with a new perspective on the subject, which is always good to widen your view and improve your understanding of matters.
Conclusively; what I am saying is less of the mask and more of real conversations and exploring the real situations bedded in us. As all artificial things which aren't natural to us, a masks strength and ability to hold in all you are harbouring eventually breaks. As all unresolved issues they pile up. Don't become an internal negative pain hoarder.
Be Kind and Caring to yourself attend to the after party mess inside.... Yours Truly, Viviane.
Love YOU first and love THEM all always XOX
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