Hi guys, I hope you are all well. This post is to connect with you, on a more realistic level. I know that most times when we read stuff that are; motivational/ inspirational. We tend to automatically think, the writer has it all together. this is not always the case. Let me give you a little insight into my world.
The last six months of my life, has been a mixture of; the depth of hell and the climax of heaven. Emotionally I have had my comfort rug ripped from under my feet. Have your ever had you fears, take place in front of you? Yea that!
September to December were the hardest months of 2013, because I had to make critical decisions. In December I had to purposely stock up and make mental preparations. I basically had to get on a mental treadmill and buff up my brain cells and mental captivity.
January to present, its quite evident I have made immense progress. It's as if, I skipped recovering and went straight into a mental boom ( see "Business Cycle" to understand my illustration).
The specific aim of this post is to encourage you, to see your own progress. Whether it be small, slow, fast or barely evident to you. But, it is still progress.
I don't have it all together, and I'm still in the process of acquiring stuff and working to make all my dreams and aspirations real. Don't ever stop to look at someone else and think, they can do this and that because they have this, NO! We are all dealing with stuff, some issues are very serious troubling matters and some fairly easy problems.
We are all going through it, so take it a day at time! Your dreams are not as far, as you think.
Love YOU first and love THEM all always XOX
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